November is Lung Cancer Awareness Month - Know Your Radon Exposure SPONSORED BY odorless, but can be detect ed with simple test kits lliniois Valleybetven I50 s 00 ung Scientists estimate that Radion Mitigation cancer deaths in the U.S. annu- ally are related to radon," added Martinez. "A person is more like ly to die from radon-induced lung cancer than from an accident in- By By Denise Freese Lung cancer is responsible volving drunk driving. for approximately 27% of all cancer deaths, and is by far the The EPA also estimates that leading cause of death from can- the average American spends cer among both men and women, 93% of their life indoors; 87% More people die from lung cancer is in a home or building, and 6% annually than from breast, colon, is in a vehicle. "This alone is a and prostate cancers combined. major reason to have your home tested for radon, explained Mar "Not all lung cancers can be nez. "If radon levels exceed prevented" said Rolando Marti 4.0, mitigation is necessary for nez, Mitigation Professional with the safety of those living in the Ilinois Valley Radon Mitigation. home "But you can lower your risk by addressing the factors you can According to Martinez, there control, including smoking and is no safe level of radon. "Radon radon exposure. Cigarette smok- levels should be reduced as much ing is the most common cause of as possible," he said. "The high lung cancer; radon exposure is er the radon level in your home the second leading cause of lung the higher your chance is for de- cancer in the U.S., and is the veloping lung cancer." For more number one cause of lung cance ormation about radon mitiga- for nonsmokers." tion, please contact: Radon is a natural, chem- linois Valley Radon ically inert gas that travels up Mitigation, LLC through the soil and enters homes 717 Bellevue Avenue through pipes, drains, gaps in Ottawa, IL 61350 the foundation, and other open 815-313-5892 ings. The Environmental Pro- tection Agency (EPA) estimates that one of every 15 homes in the U.S. contains dangerous levels of radon gas. Radon is invisible