Beyond the expected PEKIN INSURANCE Rest Easy Knowing Your Wishes Will Be Fulfilled Wishing and doing are certainly two different things. Stop wishing and start planning. Prearranging your funeral will let your family know your wishes and provide peace of mind for everyone. Learn more about Pathway, a life insurance/annuity program that is used exclusively to fund funeral arrangements. Mueller Mueller 800 First Avenue, Ottawa FUNERAL HOMES 815-434-4433 & CREMATORY- Ottawa Peru | LaSalle | Oglesby | Lostant WWW.PEKININSURANCE.COM Pathway from Pekin Life Insurance Company The purpose of this communication is the solicitation of insurance. Respondents will be contacted by a licensed agent from the funeral home who will offer the Pathway® plan from Pekin Life Insurance Company, which is a life insurance policy or annuity that is used to fund a funeral prearrangement. Beyond the expected PEKIN INSURANCE Rest Easy Knowing Your Wishes Will Be Fulfilled Wishing and doing are certainly two different things . Stop wishing and start planning . Prearranging your funeral will let your family know your wishes and provide peace of mind for everyone . Learn more about Pathway , a life insurance / annuity program that is used exclusively to fund funeral arrangements . Mueller Mueller 800 First Avenue , Ottawa FUNERAL HOMES 815-434-4433 & CREMATORY Ottawa Peru | LaSalle | Oglesby | Lostant WWW.PEKININSURANCE.COM Pathway from Pekin Life Insurance Company The purpose of this communication is the solicitation of insurance . Respondents will be contacted by a licensed agent from the funeral home who will offer the Pathway® plan from Pekin Life Insurance Company , which is a life insurance policy or annuity that is used to fund a funeral prearrangement .