Maze Lumber is the best place to start, finish For more than 174 years, Mare Lumber has been providing the best building materials available to the Valley Our moden 15,000 square foot showroom offers a sife andling all of digs and product offerings Whether you are looking for new kitchen or both place or decking or windows, slingorong flooring or backsplashes, Mo Lanber is the best place to start and finish your Our 17-person staffshore and ready to and you with your projects. whether it is helping you design your propofitaly ided by their bright yellow shirts Chad specialist and office uning the counters at all times, providing ace on all products on our home provides outside aleman contractor and in industrial accounts an with any hearth products Ar Kreky is the expert and salesman for and deveneens and beck, along with tile and wood flooring owledge and background to assist will be New to the Market, allowing customers to vie our production and in their homes We are open Monday through Friday from 7:30 am30pm, and even Study mongs from 8am We have team is Any Davenport, whe beings with her years of experience in the building trade Jennifer this the office pen, handling computer and accounting politics. Craig Just is the damage condinating activities of the driver and and cow with the help of Ji Tigo been providing top-quality building materials for generations, and are ready at you with your next project MAZE LUMBER one, Sam Loveland and MADDRESS: 1100 W St. Per your project providing customer service in a spedy and efficient manner, and look forward you iness Maxe Lamberi conly updating their showroom to products Oceania in the IC indry Chad het Nicole Andersen, Autum Kickand Heather Mare provide a troe designer's eyes then and departms They have created some of the most kitchen in the area, and have dem hoor just tople yours of experi toy contes Mae Laber General Manager Peter M. Loveland Whether you're in design your dishes and and Operations Manager David Mann hath, their brand who is your over the yard operation, which is perfect starting point Chuck Lobach staff with a professional works in our sales Mae Lumber also provide f delivery service with a fleet of les including boom tracks and ons to expedie hand to hand loads. The Mare Lamber crew pride selfon HOURS: 304.30pm. Monday to Friday and amo Saturday PHONE: 15-22-1342 and "Mare Lamber on Facebook and fourt 1848-2022 MAZE LUMBER PERU, IL E MAZE 174TH ANNIVERSARY The Illinois Valley's Top Building Supplier For Over 6 Generations! DECKING & OUTDOOR LIVING STONE, SIDING & ROOFING HHH d ORIGINAL LUMBERYARD MT NEW LUMBERYARD PRCHIDAC WINDOWS & FLOORING CABINETRY & COUNTERTOPS Water Street, Peru | 815-223-1742 Maze Lumber is the best place to start , finish For more than 174 years , Mare Lumber has been providing the best building materials available to the Valley Our moden 15,000 square foot showroom offers a sife andling all of digs and product offerings Whether you are looking for new kitchen or both place or decking or windows , slingorong flooring or backsplashes , Mo Lanber is the best place to start and finish your Our 17 - person staffshore and ready to and you with your projects . whether it is helping you design your propofitaly ided by their bright yellow shirts Chad specialist and office uning the counters at all times , providing ace on all products on our home provides outside aleman contractor and in industrial accounts an with any hearth products Ar Kreky is the expert and salesman for and deveneens and beck , along with tile and wood flooring owledge and background to assist will be New to the Market , allowing customers to vie our production and in their homes We are open Monday through Friday from 7:30 am30pm , and even Study mongs from 8am We have team is Any Davenport , whe beings with her years of experience in the building trade Jennifer this the office pen , handling computer and accounting politics . Craig Just is the damage condinating activities of the driver and and cow with the help of Ji Tigo been providing top - quality building materials for generations , and are ready at you with your next project MAZE LUMBER one , Sam Loveland and MADDRESS : 1100 W St. Per your project providing customer service in a spedy and efficient manner , and look forward you iness Maxe Lamberi conly updating their showroom to products Oceania in the IC indry Chad het Nicole Andersen , Autum Kickand Heather Mare provide a troe designer's eyes then and departms They have created some of the most kitchen in the area , and have dem hoor just tople yours of experi toy contes Mae Laber General Manager Peter M. Loveland Whether you're in design your dishes and and Operations Manager David Mann hath , their brand who is your over the yard operation , which is perfect starting point Chuck Lobach staff with a professional works in our sales Mae Lumber also provide f delivery service with a fleet of les including boom tracks and ons to expedie hand to hand loads . The Mare Lamber crew pride selfon HOURS : 304.30pm . Monday to Friday and amo Saturday PHONE : 15-22-1342 and " Mare Lamber on Facebook and fourt 1848-2022 MAZE LUMBER PERU , IL E MAZE 174TH ANNIVERSARY The Illinois Valley's Top Building Supplier For Over 6 Generations ! DECKING & OUTDOOR LIVING STONE , SIDING & ROOFING HHH d ORIGINAL LUMBERYARD MT NEW LUMBERYARD PRCHIDAC WINDOWS & FLOORING CABINETRY & COUNTERTOPS Water Street , Peru | 815-223-1742